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Writer's pictureMichele Channels

Are mistakes possible?

Most of us grew up being told we “can't” make mistakes.

What happens when we are afraid to make a mistake?

First of all we stop taking risks. Some people might live like that and think it's a good thing, play it safe, keep your eyes down and try to glide through life as smoothly as possible.

As most of us quickly find out, it doesn't quite work like that and can't actually control everything, even though we spend most of our lives trying too.

If we never take a risk, we will never create the life we dream of.

We came here to learn, to practice to create our reality within this physical matrix by raising our vibration. We must get out of our comfort zones and take a risk or two.

We are here to co-create with the universe and we have to listen, take action and release control of the results.

Our imaginations have been limited and we need to practice opening them up, expanding our consciousness, our beliefs and what our reality can actually look like if we dare.

In order to go for your dreams you have to take action.

Funnily enough the action chakra is also the self worth chakra. The solar plexus.

The SP moves you out of inertia and forward into action with your personal power and strength to believe you are worthy of living your best life.

Bottom line, making mistakes is a fallacy and program we need to move out of. Did I do the wrong thing? Did I say the wrong thing? Etc etc..

There are no mistakes, just choices and experiences that go a long with that choice. Every choice/ experience is for our highest good and the highest good of those who people and things that are part of our “mistakes”.

If Earth was a school without choice, without free will, it would be a very dull life.

We are here to experience, enjoy and live life to the fullest. What risk are you willing to take today to move closer to your dreams?

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