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Writer's pictureMichele Channels

Has the world gone mad?

Well what strange times we are in. The world has literally gone mad. The polarization is getting stronger by the day.

  • po•lar•i•za•tion pō″lər-ĭ-zā′shən

  • A process or state in which rays of light exhibit different properties in different directions, especially the state in which all the vibration takes place in one plane.

As far as I can see the 2 sides are freedom or slavery. Are we going to allow our mind, body and soul to be taken over or are we going to stand up for sovereignty and freedom.

Are we going to stand in conviction of our truth or are we going to give it all up based on threats and manipulation.

I personally will choose the first one. I will stand in my truth and maintain sovereignty over my mind, body and soul.

There is natural law and legal law and we as humans are governed by natural law. Meaning we are free beings on this earth and we follow the laws of nature.

*Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern our reasoning and behavior. Natural law maintains that these rules of right and wrong are inherent in people and are not created by society or court judges.

Examples of Natural Law in Philosophy and Religion

  • Aristotle (384–322 BCE)—considered by many to be the father of natural law—argued that what is “just by nature” is not always the same as what is “just by law.” Aristotle believed that there is a natural justice that is valid everywhere with the same force; that this natural justice is positive, and does not exist by "people thinking this or that."

We as humans are in a pivotal time on earth, we have an opportunity to stay human heart based beings, or literally become computers. . Chipped and tracked, controlled in every aspect of our lives.

As a soul we have free will and we can choose. There is no judgement on that choice but you have to know what you are choosing. Informed choice. What’s amazing is so many people are blindly trusting an untested, unknown substance and allowing it freely into their precious bodies.

So what can we do? How do we navigate these dark forces around us challenging our basic freedoms and right to choose?

Detachment is the first thing. Humans love to be attached. To people, to money, to places and on and on...

In order to have our freedom we first have to work on our attachment, if we are so attached to our outside circumstances and experiences we will never know true freedom.

Once we literally have nothing to loose then we can really be free to choose for our highest good. If our ego is not prepared for change you can guarantee it will be a difficult journey ahead.

Once we are no longer attached we can trust our inner guidance to show us the way. Our inner guidance or higher self will always be on our side and always advocate for actions that will only serve for our highest good.

I know this is not an easy challenge but it's one that will bring the most amazing results.

Let's talk about fear! Many people are deep in their fear right now. From a state of fear it's near impossible to see the truth. Hence why they are keeping everyone in a state of fear!

So how do we get past the fear and reach clarity. Again this is not an easy task. I spent most of my life in fear and anxiety and it's certainly taken me many years of working on myself to finally feel safe and trust the divine universe.

The truth is we don't have time any more, we don't have years to work on reprogramming ourselves out of the fear. At this point I believe our only choice is to surrender to a higher power. God, Source, Divine Presence, whatever feels comfortable for you.

But it is a higher power, it is beyond the ordinary and it has our best interests in mind, or in heart.

Here’s a nice affirmation so start that process. You can change to what feels good and in alignment with you.

I surrender to a higher power, I surrender to my highest self, I release control over what I perceive to be impossible circumstances. I choose love and freedom over slavery and hate.

We came here to experience Heaven on Earth. But we have to earn it. It’s not just going to be handed to us on a plate. It's time to take a stand, get angry if necessary but take a stand one way or the other.

My wish is that you can open your eyes to see your truth and choose the light, and know you are safe in the arms of the Divine beings that you came here to emulate.

With love and hope, Michele x

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