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Writer's pictureMichele Channels



It is Passover in Israel right now. Last night, most of Israel's Jewish families got together to share the Seder and to connect to the story of the release from slavery.

There is obviously a lot going on here right now, and at our seder, like at many others, we prayed for the safe return of the hostages. In this small country, very few people have not felt personal loss and grief since October 7th and the ongoing war, and the hostages are regarded as members of every Israeli family.

Since I have no firsthand knowledge of what is happening on the other side, I can only speak from my perspective (I do not rely on the media or the governments for any real truth). What I do know is that there is great suffering on all sides, and for this all to stop, the people need to stand up and say enough! 

When the mothers and fathers refuse to send their children into another senseless war and everyone stands down in peace, we will see peace. 

Yes maybe this sounds idealistic, but it is possible. The powers that benefit from these wars will never stop playing this game. They don't care about their people, on either side. We are pawns in their game, and the quicker people wake up and see this is the case, the quicker this will end.

We are here to be sovereign beings to stand fully in our power and live on this earth as free and sovereign beings in peace and harmony with clean food, clean water, clean skies, and a clean earth. That starts with us, and as long as we continue to disrespect ourselves, each other, and our planet, this nightmare will continue. 

This passover, whether you are Jewish or not, lets us free ourselves from whatever we are slaves to, whether that is food,work, money, relationships, shame, guilt, low self esteem, or the thousand other things we are addicted too. The abuse only stops when the abused stands up out of victim mode, speaks out, and says it stops here and now. 

This has to come from the inside; nothing outside will save us. So please, open your eyes, your ears, and your hearts, and listen to what you are guided to do. Not from the ego, the mind, or anyone else's opinion,but from the heart, and say NO, I no longer consent, and if we all say this together, we WILL change what's happening on the planet. 

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