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Writer's pictureMichele Channels

More about my journey.

My spiritual journey started back in my early twenties.

Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer were my celebrities. I bought a book on how to connect with your Spirit Guides. I actually freaked out during one of the exercises when I felt something happening, which was undefinable at the time.

I'm curious now how I would even be drawn to that kind of book. Having grown up in a very traditional British Jewish family where I don't remember even God being mentioned, definitely no one had told me about Spirit Guides.

I have been on this path ever since. A few teachers have guided me on the way, most significantly in 2005 whilst living in Los Angeles, many years after I bought that book, I met my teacher Jason Nelson who finally helped me connect to my guides and taught me how to channel.

But mostly this journey has been a solo one. Me, my guides and a plethora of life experiences to guide me on and help me grow.

This journey has not always been an easy journey. But as Master Dhyan Vimal, another angel and teacher on my path, put it ‘’are you here to participate in life or watch from the sidelines?”.

I decided to fully participate in this crazy journey called life.

I didn't take the easy traditional route, I feel in some ways I didn't have a choice and fought it most of the way. But the truth is my higher self was always a stronger force than my ego.

Not to mention an extremely strong intuition and guidance from my team of guides, who I've also fought along the way :)

I’m watching many inspiring people speaking their truth and I sit and watch in awe of their ability to be completely vulnerable and be seen in public.

I have not been able to do that yet. Even writing this feels extremely vulnerable.

But as always Spirit and my higher self are pushing me forward to do more of this, and step out more fully to being fully myself and being seen.

This feels quite scary but like I said, I don't really have much choice, in a good way…

We are so afraid to choose for our highest good. Who will I offend, who will judge me?

But if we all start to live from our highest self, we allow others to do the same and we all step into being our authentic selves without the masks.

As my journey continues I have fully committed my life to guiding people through this life process. It takes different forms and different tools and I’m never quite sure what to call it.

What I do know is that it's pretty effective, for the most part it's about listening and feeling the other person and showing them that they are not alone and all will be ok.

Bringing people back to feeling safe within themselves and in the world, and that miracles and wonderful things can happen all the time.

The incredible gifts I have received along this journey have been blessings and the crazy synchronicities a constant reminder that all is divine.

I’m here to share that everything and anything is possible. We are sovereign beings here to create our reality with every thought, action and intention.

So let's step into our higher selves, stop playing small and live fully our hearts desires.

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