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Writer's pictureMichele Channels

Blue Moons- Full Moon in Scorpio 2019

I’m very far from being an astrologer but I appreciate it and follow the flows.

This full moon feels different. Maybe because I’m going through a strong transformation and upgrade but also I feel it for the collective.

This one is really pushing us to look closely at our repeating patterns and make a choice. Am I done with this lesson or do I need to learn more before I release it. If we’re truly done we can make that decision to move on.

Sometimes we unconsciously enjoy the patterns. They are addictions to suffering and low self-esteem. But if remember again who we are, and that we are perfect loving creative beings and all we want is to love and be loved, we can forgive ourselves for all the unconscious behaviour up till now and just decide to step into our power and the truth of who we are.

The hard part is that we have to feel all the feelings that go with that acceptance, that's which we’ve been trying to control is no longer in our control and we have to surrender to the heart and finally let go of the mind control.

If we are ready we just have to say yes to the unknown, to the higher self to the light forces guiding us.

Arms up and let's fully surrender to all that is.

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