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Writer's pictureMichele Channels


This is one of the hardest spiritual lessons that we have to learn. Especially as a teacher this can get very tricky at times.

We live in a society where boundaries are almost non-existent and even if we understand what the word means, the question is always how to actually put those boundaries into practice.

If I dare to say no or express myself, when you know the other person won't agree, I will be attacked, abandoned, not liked. The list of fears goes on.

But truly this is a risk that is always worth taking, as hard as it is to actually do.

When we speak our truth, when we say no, when something doesn’t feel good, expressing ourselves from our heart only results in a good outcome.

When we don’t express ourselves or allow ourselves to be treated in a way that doesn’t feel good, and that energy is not expressed then it stays in our body and that’s where we can create dis-ease!

Yes we might loose, so called friends, clients, even money, but what you will receive in return is ten fold what you perceived you lost.

Instead you will gain deeper friendships, new clients, new jobs that are more in alignment.

When you learn to exercise your boundaries, the results you will see always outweigh the “negative” outcome.

The perceived negative outcome, is actually not even negative, its just allowing things that no longer serve you to be released from your reality and creates space for more good to come to your life.

So it’s really a win win all round.

What situation are you in right now that you feel you need to exercise more boundaries?

Take a risk and watch the miracles happen.

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