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Writer's pictureMichele Channels

Ch ch change.....

Updated: Jul 6, 2018

We are in very interesting and somewhat challenging times. I think it would be hard not to feel it wherever we are at on our journey.

The energy on the planet is shifting and we are being called back to our authentic selves, back to our true nature and that shift can be an uncomfortable one.

How does this show up in our lives?

All or some aspects of ourselves are being called to change. Our relationships, intimate and other wise, our work, our locations, pretty much every part of us that isn’t in true alignment with our souls path is being asked to change.

When we are in resistance these changes then change will happen without our conscious consent.

We have free will to change but if its something needed for our soul to grow and we are ignoring it then our higher self, the aspect of our self that leads us for our highest good will create situations for us that will push us to make that change. Gently or not so gently depending on how resistant we are to that change happening.

So how do we change without getting our butts kicked on the way?

First we have to be aware and conscious of what needs to change. We usually know, but admitting it is stage one.

Once we know and accept what it is we need to change, then its time to figure out what we do want instead of what we are currently creating.

Once we know what we actually want then we have to take the right action to change it.

Sometimes we also have to try a few things on before we find the right fit. Its important in this process to stay flexible and open. Then you continue to adjust what you want until it feels good.

Pretty simple right, but of course as humans we are not so keen on change especially when we don’t know what’s on the other side.

We have to know and understand that if we are let go of something that is not good for us, something better always replaces it.

Change takes action which takes courage, risk, trust and ultimate surrender.

Are you ready to make those changes?

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