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Writer's pictureMichele Channels

Do you stuff your anger, to be a people pleaser?

Anger, can it be transformed? I tend to be pretty passive not because I don’t have anger, just because I’ve spent most of my life trying to stuff it, so as not be that angry person, and be the peace keeper.

This morning I had to go the bank. Anyone who lives in Israel knows, visiting Israeli banks can be cause of a lot of anger. I usually go in prepared for a long wait and usually meditate my way through the experience.

Today was different. I just had to ask a simple question and the one lady who was available refused to help me and insisted I took a number and wait for the other 2 tellers to finish. 25 minutes later and after asking twice if she would help me, my number was called and I was directed to the same woman’s who said she wasn’t able to help me!

I admit it, I got angry, and expressed my frustration. Probably not even noticeable to her, but for me it was a moment when I just expressed my frustration without caring what she thought of me.

Shockingly after her helping me she actually apologized!

Trust me this is a rare very occurrence in banks. I was so shocked I actually asked her to repeat what she said just in case I hadn’t understood her correctly.

Then a wave of tingles came over me we smiled at each other, wished each other Happy Holidays and I walked out smiling.

Sometimes we just need to express our anger. I’m not advocating in anyway that we should go round blasting off at everyone, far from it.

But if you’re one of those people that stuffs your words and tend to people please, try something different.

Apparently it works and miracles can happen…….

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