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Writer's pictureMichele Channels

Spring Offerings

As we move very quickly into this spring season, time is moving faster than ever. The intensity of this time is challenging and isn’t letting up for the foreseeable future.

All our shadows, old patterns and stories are being pushed to the surface in order for us to see it acknowledge it and finally let it go.

Stories we’ve been holding since childhood and throughout our lives. Time to move on, to let go of the hurt, the pain, the injustices and step into the future.

A future of positivity, unconditional love, responsibility for all our actions, emotions and the reality we’ve created till this moment.

What patterns are you ready to release? What stories have you been holding on to? What resentments and hurts can’t you let go of?

All of these parts of us are holding us back from living the lives we dream of. Is it worth it to hold on to these old energies or to move on and be free?

This Spring make a decision to do the work you’re soul is crying out to do. Choose, love, choose harmony, choose peace and ultimately choose YOU.

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